NZDFI Advances durable eucalypt forestry and biomass industry for Marlborough

Highlights from Recent Workshop and Field Day

The NZDFI (New Zealand Dryland Forests Innovation) last week hosted a successful workshop and field day, drawing in 48 attendees from across New Zealand, including corporate forest managers, farm foresters, forestry consultants, and representatives from MPI and TUR/NZ Forest Service.

The event showcased the outcomes of a two-year SLMACC project focused on establishing a durable eucalypt forestry and biomass industry for Marlborough. Contributors to the regional case study, including the University of Canterbury School of Forestry and the NZ Bioenergy Association, explored the potential for a new forestry and wood processing supply chain.

“Our research is providing a market and science-based pathway for developing this novel land use and supply chain. A new forestry and wood processing supply chain could improve long-term sustainability and resilience for Marlborough’s wine industry and generate new investment and employment. Investment in naturally durable hardwood forests could also reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Marlborough’s wine industry,” says Paul Millen, NZDFI manager.

“Our presentations were well received followed by many interesting questions that were sometimes difficult to answer,” says Paul Millen, NZDFI manager. “These were questions on optimising growing eucalypts, particularly for the short rotations that we propose for growing vineyard posts. This is the focus of the next phase of our research work so further trials need funding to learn this.”

A smaller group got to see how well durable eucalypts can cope with the drylands of south Marlborough during field day following on from the workshop.

The positive feedback confirms the growing interest in the development of a sustainable and resilient forestry industry in Marlborough.

The MRC Trust took a leadership role in establishing the NZDFI in 2008 and has provided continual support for the potential use of naturally durable hardwood posts. MRC continues to manage and administer NZDFI’s diverse research projects, in collaboration with many supporters in other regions.

For more information about NZDFI’s projects and opportunities, please follow this link.